Vinyl fences can cost more than wood fences, depending on style, height and colour. Vinyl fences however, are more resistant to rot and require low maintenance. More and more people might be aware of the benefits of vinyl fencing, but there are still some individuals who are skeptical. We at Direct Fencing Supply would like to help you become more informed and purchase the best of vinyl fencing. In this article, let’s talk about why vinyl fences fade.
Poor Quality Raw Materials
Fading vinyl fences are the aftermath of cheap, poor quality and low grade materials. Every time the sun shines, your vinyl fence is at risk. Long exposure to ultraviolet rays can result in fading and discoloration. Direct Fencing Supply PVC fence panels include UV inhibitors, impact modifiers, and non-chalking Titanium Dioxide (TiO2). Therefore, it ensures you the best product on the market and a lifetime of low maintenance.
Improper Maintenance
Vinyl fences are low maintenance but still need to be cleaned from time to time. Use a garden hose and a bucket of soapy water to clean normal dirt from your PVC fence. It is important to always test the cleaner before use. To test the cleaner, use on a spot that is hidden before cleaning the rest of the fence. For mildew problems prepare a mixture of 1/3 cup of Detergent (e.g. Tide), 2/3 cup of Trisodium Phosphate (e.g. Soilax), 1 quart 5% of Sodium Hypochlorite (e.g. Clorox) and 3 quarts of water. See our “How To Clean Vinyl Fence” for more information.
Fade Protection
Colour Lock™ is a Direct Fencing Supply exclusive formula that gives your fence the most effective fade protection available. It uses the highest grade acrylic formula and additives to protect the colour and sheen of your vinyl fence for much longer. As a result, the bar has been set higher than ever before in fade protection for any of our PVC fence colors.
Faded Chalky Fence Vs Colour Lock™

Direct Fencing Supply is Canada’s Trusted Fence Supplier and offers only the highest quality fencing products. If you would like to learn more about our vinyl fencing and what makes us stand out from the rest, please contact us. You can email us at [email protected] or call us at Toll-Free +1 (888) 751-5324.
1 Comment
We love PVC fences because with the recent hail damages in Florida, it was easy to replace just the pickets that were affected by the hail and not remove the entire fence.
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